Vale do Pinhão/Pinhão Valley

Curitiba, Brazil

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Located in the Rebouças District, near downtown Curitiba.

Vale do Pinhão, Curitiba's primary industrial area in the 1940s, is located in the Rebouças District. The area is highly urbanised with various transport connections, as a result of the construction of the principal train station connecting the area to the port municipality of Paranaguá. The area's dynamic history means its area has varied uses, with many residential and commercial buildings, alongside a heritage site.

Recently, city policies have been implemented to encourage start-ups and other innovative companies to grow in the area. This project offers students the opportunity to consider how to continue these efforts and transform the area into an Innovation Hub.

Approximate Site Area
  • 57 hectares 

Key Information 

  • The area has a population of around 1,200 inhabitants. 
  • Most of the businesses located in the area belong to the service sector (34%).

Priorities for redevelopment 

The City would like to develop the area into an Innovation Hub, integrating its rich heritage with new uses, following a  sustainable urban model. In their projects, teams are encouraged to develop a plan for the area that will: 

  • Transform the site into a sustainable and accessible innovation hub;

  • Prioritise sustainable & active mobility (boosting cycling and pedestrian networks, sidewalks & electric vehicles);

  • Encourage the creation of start-ups & co-working spaces;

  • Create green jobs and income for the city;

  • Develop infrastructure resilient to the impacts of flooding, drought and urban heat common in the area;

  • Incorporate low-emission practices & green energy (to align with the City’s goal to become net-zero by 2050)

The evaluation of projects is currently underway, with results to be announced in September 2024. The jury panel, that will evaluate all submitted projects, consists of the following members: 
  • Daniela Tahira Munhoz da Rocha, Architect and Urban Planner in the Department of Projects | Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano de Curitiba
  • Gisele Rosário Medeiros, Coordinator of PlanClima | Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano de Curitiba
  • Carla Choma Frankl, Architect and Urban Planner in the Department of Projects | Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano de Curitiba
  • Fernanda Barbosa, Programme Manager, Climate Action Implementation | C40 Cities

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Vale do Pinhão
Curitiba Brazil