Over the past few years, young people have taken to the streets. They have gone on strike to demand climate action, now.
Their capacity for peaceful mobilization and determination to transform the world into a more sustainable, fairer and more equal place to live, have inspired society as a whole.
Young people are also ready to contribute to the solutions. Their ability to bring fresh ideas and to create new visions is unique.
Now it is time for all of us at every level of academia to step up and join the fight against the climate crisis. We will stand in solidarity with students as they reshape their futures – and the future of our planet.
As academic institutions, we have both a responsibility and role to:
● Provide the setting for students and our wider community to learn, discover and understand the situations and challenges we face.
● Make the educational experience – including the knowledge and tools we impart and create together – meaningful and relevant for a future that has climate and social justice at its heart.
● Set an example for collaboration beyond the walls of the university by promoting our staff and students as leaders who can share their understanding of the complex challenges our world faces today – and will face in the future.
● Use a holistic and rigorous approach to chart ways forward from this crisis to a green and just recovery.
● Create a space for students to build and showcase their vision for a green & just future.
We believe cities are the main site for transformation when it comes to tackling the climate emergency.
In the past 10 years, cities and their mayors have led the fight against climate change by developing a wide range of different actions and solutions.
Cities are where we need to focus our efforts for a green & just transition.
The majority of GHG emissions come from cities and their built environment. As urban populations increase, we know that compact, well connected communities are the only way to preserve global resources and fragile biodiversity.
We must harness a model for low-carbon urban development that is thriving and inclusive for our future.
The C40 Students Reinventing Cities Programme will create a space for academics to work with global cities, as we support our students to imagine a more sustainable and inclusive vision for cities everywhere.
In partnership with our students and C40 Cities we will:
● support our students to participate in the Students Reinventing Cities project, taking this opportunity to reinforce education on climate change and to teach our students how to assess and reduce GHG emissions.
● seize this momentum to call for a change across the academic world, making sure a green agenda is at the centre of our curricula and beyond.
● build a global coalition between universities and actively cooperate with cities to take part in the campaign for a Global Green New Deal as together we build a fairer, greener future.
We are ready to step up and support our students as together we take an active part in this vital revolution for a greener, fairer and more equal future.
Are you ready to join us? Sign the manifesto using the form on this page!
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145 Signatories
They have already joined us!
Martha Thorne
IE University School of Architecture and DesignDean
Carlos Moreno
Sorbonne University IAEAssociate Professor
Hitoshi Abe
UCLA International Institute, Department of Architecture and Urban DesignProfessor and former Chair
Erwin Viray
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Architecture and Sustainable DesignProfessor
Carlo Ratti
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)Professor
Jeffrey Huang
Institute of Architecture, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)Director
Xiangning Li
Tongji University College of Architecture and Urban Planning of ShanghaiProfessor
Nader Tehrani
Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture at the Cooper Union in New YorkDean
Bernardo Gomez-Pimienta
Anahuac School of Architecture of Mexico CityDean
Aneerudha Paul
Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute (KRIVIA), Institute of ArchitectureDirector
Saskia Sassen
Columbia UniversityProfessor of Sociology
Margarita Chiclana
IE University, School of Architecture and DesignDirector Global Master in Real Estate Development
Regina Llamas
IE University Humanities DivisionAssociate Professor in the Humanities
Didier Chabaud
IAE Paris Sorbonne Business SchoolProfessor, Director "Entrepreneurship, Territory, Innovation"
Jeffrey Raven
New York Institute of TechnologyAssociate Professor, Graduate Program in Urban Regional Design
Damiano Cerrone
Tampere UniversityProject Researcher | Consultant at Demos Helsinki
Tigran Haas
KTH Royal Institute of TechnologyAssociate Professor | Director of the Centre for the Future of Places
Florent Orsoni
Ecole de Design Nantes AtlantiqueDirector of City Design Lab
Luc Gwiazdzinski
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de ToulouseProfessor
Zaheer Allam
Sorbonne University IAEResearch Associate
Dominique Sciamma
CY Ecole de DesignFormer President
Franckie Trichet
Université de NantesVice President for Numérique
Jana Revedin
Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture ParisProfessor of Architecture and Urbanism PhD | UNESCO Delegate to the Education and Research Commission of the UIA | Founding President of the Global Awards for Sustainable Architecture
Miguel Mayorga
UPC Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaProfessor | Founder of mayorga fontana arquitectos | City F.O.V. Urban Lab Barcelona
Saimir Kristo
POLIS University Tirana Faculty of Architecture, Engineering and DesignVice Dean and Professor
Manuelle Gautrand
École spéciale d'architecture, ParisProfessor
Massimo Santanicchia
Iceland University of the ArtsAssociate Professor
Marie-Hélène Contal
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture (ENSA) Paris V.D.SBoard member | Former President of ENSA Lyon | Former Director of EU Program Gaudi-Student Competition for Sustainable Architecture 2004-12 | Guest Professor IUAV Venice | Director of Cultural development and International relations, Cité d
Gabriel Mantelli
Universidade São Judas Tadeu (USJT)Professor
Ana Ruiz-Bowen
Université Catholique de LilleDirector Master in Smart
Maria Manzon
Sophia UniversityAssociate Professor, Sophia Program for Sustainable Futures
Susana Cerdeira
IE UniversityAdmissions
Juan Lawless-Ruano
IE Business SchoolAdmissions
manuel contreras
IE UniversityAdvisor
Cristina Mateo
IE University School of Architecture and DesignAssociate Dean
Michele Acuto
University of MelbourneProfessor and Director, Connected Cities Lab
Ejigayehu Shiferaw
Center for Environmental Science, Addis Ababa UniversityPhD candidate at AAU and Lecturer at Dire Dawa University
Miguel Ángel Alonso
Escuela de Arquitectura/Universidad de NavarraDirector
Benjamin Chong
Singapore University of Technology and DesignStudent
Peter Buis
Amsterdam Uni of Applied Scienceslecturer - researcher
Annarita Ferrante
University of BolognaFull Professor
Elena Poli
Polytechnic University of CataloniaResearcher
Matteo Ruta
School of Architecture Urban Planning and Construction Engineering - Politecnico di MilanoAssociate Professor and Director Master of Science in Architectural Engineering
Jeffrey Raven
New York Institute of TechnologyAssociate Professor and former Director, Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Design
Philippe Bouillard
Université Libre de BruxellesHead of BATir (Civil, Arch and Urban Engineering) Dept.
Konstantinos Serraos
School of Architecture / National Technical University of AthensProfessor
Patrice Egleston
DePaul UniversityAssociate Professor of Theatre
Yunuen Yolanda Barrios Muñoz
Universidad Michoacana de San Nocolás de HidalgoProfessor
Uwe Brandes
Georgetown UniversityProfessor
Rahman Azari
Pennsylvania State UniversityAssociate Professor and Director of Resource and Energy Efficiency (RE2) Lab
Lorenzo Kihlgren Grandi
Sciences Po - PSIALecturer in City Diplomacy
Gabriele Masera
Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction EngineeringDeputy Dean, Professor of Building Technology
Adriana Baqueiro
IE university, school of architecture and designStudent
Sebnem Hoskara
Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Department of ArchitectureProfessor of Architecture and Urbanism / Director of EMU Urban Research and Development Center
Christophe Polack
Moisés G. Pérez Martínez
University of GuadalajaraProfessor and researcher
Pirjo Sanaksenaho
Aalto UniversityHead of Department of Architecture
Bruno Barroca
Gustave Eiffel UniversityProfessor
Gunter Meinert
Berlin Institut of Technology - Urban ManagementProfessor h.c.
Juan Luis Morales
ENSAPLVProfessor. Architect DPLG
Gabriel Lanfranchi
Facultad de Arquitectura Diseño y Urbanismo. Universidad de Buenos AiresDirector Posgrado en Urbanismo Metropolitano
Georgeen Theodore
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Hillier College of Architecture and DesignProfessor, Master of Infrastructure Planning (MIP) Program Director
Patricia Crifo
Ecole PolytechniqueProfessor
Archit Dudeja
Noida International universityAssistant Professor- School of Architecture
Oliver Christopher Will
University of Applied Sciences DarmstadtLecturer
Rajeswari Raina
RRA networkResearcher
Carolina Cominotti
Mackenzie UniversityGuest Professor
Antonio M. Bento
University of Southern CaliforniaProfessor of Public Policy and Economics
Richard Shearmur
McGill School of Urban PlanningDirector
Jayne Engle
McGill University, School of Urban PlanningAdjunct Professor
Dave Jarman
University of BristolSenior Lecturer and Postgraduate Programme Director
Xavier Valladares
Universidad IberoamericanaProfessor Catedra Integral Bovis
Ksenija Lalovic
Univeristy of Belgrade - Faculty of ArchitectureAssociate Professor
Ricardo Rojas
Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo LozanoAssociate professor
NEILA Gonzalez
Universidad pontificia bolivarianaDocente de Ingenieria civil
Alejandra Rubio
Tecnológico de Monterrey PueblaArchitect
Esther Valdés Tejera
Urban Management Bachelor/ Universidad Camilo José CelaDirector
Glauci Coelho
Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (ESDI UERJ)Professora Adjunta
Matthew Bradbury
Unitec Institute of TechnologyAssociate Professor
Luana Berenice Ghenzi Garcia
Universidad de arquitectura y urbanismo de la plataMaestra mayor en obras
monica mazzolani
XJTLU Universityassociate professor
Mirko Guaralda
School of Architecture and Built Environment/Queensland University of TechnologySenior Lecturer
Tracy Washington
School of Architecture and Built Environment/Queensland University of TechnologyLecturer/Researcher
Claudio Varini
Universidad Catolica de ColombiaPhD. Architect
Sally Torres
Universidad Ricardo PalmaAssistant Professor
Alex Markman
Universidad Torcuato Di TellaDirector, International Programs
Nicolas Saunier
Polytechnique MontrealProfessor
Luisa Bravo
The Journal of Public Space/City Space ArchitectureFounder/Editor in Chief
Francesco Marullo
University of Illinois at ChicagoAssistant Professor
Ata Tara
Architecture and Urban Design, RMIT UniversityLecturer
Graeme Hanssen
Yasar UniversityFounder, Human-Power Initiative
Georges Adamczyk
School of Architecture/Université de MontréalProfessor
Camilo Andrés Arias Henao
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de CaldasProfesor
matteo aimini
University of Trento, ItalyAssistant professor in landscape architecture
Pierandrea Angius
Architectural AssociationCourse Tutor
Francesco Amendola
RMIT UniversityResearcher, Environmental Scientist and construction manager
leah li
media and communication RMIT Universitylecturer
Marie-Christine Lafrenière
Université de MontréalPhD candidate
Rey Donne Papa
University of Santo TomasDean, College of Science and Professor of Biological Sciences
Manuel Ludueña
Maestría en Tecnologías Urbanas Sostenibles - FI UBAProfesor
Anchal Srivastava
SPA DelhiArchitect, Urban Planner
Devyani Gangopadhyay
Sathyabama Institute of Science and TechnologyDr.
Jérémy Créac'h
Université Paris 8Secrétaire pédagogique
Esthela Salazar
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPEProfessor and Head of Environmental Management Master Degree
eli Yanguicela
Universidad Central del EcuadorPolitologo
NTUAAsistant Professor
Thelma Pagtalunan
Bulacan State University, PhilippinesDean of the College of Science
Claudia Margarita Rendon Velazquez
Technische Universität MünchenIng.
Elizabeth Vergara
Facultad de Arquitectura Diseño y Urbanismo - Universidad de Buenos AiresProfesor Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Elizabeth Vergara
Facultad de Arquitectura Diseño y Urbanismo - Universidad de Buenos AiresProfesora, Arquitecta y Urbanista
Silvia Piardi
Politecnico di MilanoProfessor, Distinguished Visiting Professor at Tshingua University
Agathe Chevalier
University of GenevaScientific coordinator
Elizabeth Leigh
Osaka City UniversitySpecial Appointment Professor (English Education Development Centre (EEDC)
Edwin Tadiosa
Bulacan State University, PhilippinesAssociate Professor
Sumana Hossain
Architectural Engineering Department ,University of SharjahLecturer
Mike Cook
Imperial College, LondonAdjunct Professor of Creative Design
Sonia Mangones
Universidad Nacional de ColombiaProfessor
Petronella Kigochi
Howard UniversityAssociate Professor
tomas bahrend
queensland University of TechnologyUrban and Regional Planner
Tetyana Kashchenko
Kyiv National University of Construction and ArchitectureAssociate prof., PhD architecture
Alejandro Bollana
Universidad de San AndrésProfesor de Ciudades Inteligentes
Abhay Purohit
Ideas_ Institute of Design educationPrincipal
Demetra Katsota
University of Patras, GreeceProfessor of Architecture
Victor Molina
Universidad Técnica de AmbatoProfessor
Katarzyna Sadowy
Warsaw School of EconomicsAssisstant Professor
Miguel Angel Mendez Zapata
Universidad Iberoamericana PueblaProfessor
Emmanuèle Cunningham Sabot
Ecole Normale SupérieureProfessor, in charge of Urban Planning
Salvatore Di Dio
University of PalermoAssociate Professor
Giuseppe Di Martino
University of MontrealStudent in urbanism
H.I.T Holon Institute of Technology, Isrealarchitect, educator
Marqueza Reyes
Asian Institute of Management Executive Master in Disaster Risk and Crisis Management ProgramAcademic Program Director
Isabel Toman
International Association of Universities (IAU)Programme Officer
Immo Janssen
Technical University BerlinProject Teaching | CHORA Conscious City Lab
Anurag Varma
Amity University Rajasthan, JaipurProfessor and Director
Marco Antonio Rodriguez Monroy
Universidad del Valle/ Universidad Nacional de Colombiaarquitecto/magister en diseño urbano
Alcestis Rodi
University of PatrasAssociate Professor
UNIVILLEProfessor of Architecture and Urbanism
Armando Palacios
Universidad IberoamericanaTeacher Assistant
Petronella Kigochi
Howard UniversityAssociate Professor
Mathilde Marengo
Institute for Advanced Architecture of CataloniaHead of Studies
Daniel Ibañez
Institute for Advanced Architecture of CataloniaDirector
Deniz Incesu
roma la sapienzaArchitect
First Signatories
Martha Thorne, Dean, IE University School of Architecture and Design & Executive Director of Pritzker PrizeCarlos Moreno, Associate Professor & Scientific Director “Entrepreneurship, Territory, Innovation”, Sorbonne University IAE
Saskia Sassen, Professor, Columbia University and London School of Economics
Hitoshi Abe, Professor and former Chair, UCLA International Institute, Department of Architecture and Urban Design
Jeffrey Raven, Associate Professor and former Director, Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Design, New York Institute of Technology
Erwin Viray, Professor & Head of Pillar, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Architecture and Sustainable Design
Carlo Ratti, Professor & Director of the MIT Senseable City Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Jeffrey Huang, Director, Institute of Architecture,Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Xiangning Li, Professor & Assistant Dean, Tongji University College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Shanghai
Nader Tehrani, Dean, Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture at the Cooper Union in New York
Bernardo Gomez-Pimienta, Dean, Anahuac School of Architecture of Mexico City
Aneerudha Paul, Director, Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute (KRIVIA), Institute of Architecture & Environmental Studies
Margarita Chiclana, Director Global Master in Real Estate Development & Associate Professor, IE University, School of Architecture and Design