
Rome, Italy

Submit a project Final submissions closed on 29 March 2024.

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The Via Vertunni complex is located in the eastern quadrant of the capital, in the La Rustica area, close to the Grande Raccordo Anulare (ring road).

The opportunity to regenerate the area represents an important opportunity to take on board the needs of the territory and provide the area with quality spaces to serve those who live and work in the neighbourhood. As part of the project for the Linear Park of the historic Via Collatina, the Urban Plan for Sustainable Mobility (PUMS) envisions expanding the public rail transportation system and building bike lanes along Via Collatina. The compendium is within the 'La Rustica' environmental island,which aims to encourage bicycle and pedestrian traffic. The area is well connected to higher-level road networks, such as the A24 motorway and the Grande Raccordo Anulare.

Roma Capitale aspires to restore this site to transform an unfinished development, currently closed and not usable, restoring a space to the neighbourhood focused on sustainability. The vacant area must be enriched with greenery, equipped and kept as usable as possible, with the addition to the part to be transferred for standards.

Proposals must: encourage social inclusion through the provision and characterisation of spaces, equipment and services, following the 15 minute city model, generate employment opportunities in the area; and lead to the environmental improvement of the site.

Expected Land Use:

The proposed Intervention shall provide for the uses allowed in the urban variant sheet (Annex n. 2):

·  Social housing;

·  Personal services (administrative, social, welfare, health, education, culture, fitness);

·  Private management (professional offices, business services);

·  Service crafts and artists' studios;

·  Cultural facilities;

·  Collective facilities (sports, entertainment, culture, recreation, congress, excluding discotheques);

·  Training, public education and/or public interest centres.

Type of Property transfer intended:

the redevelopment activities may be carried out, pending the updating of the current Plan for Property Disposals and Revaluations (Piano delle Alienazioni e Valorizzazioni), requested by the Department for Property Valuations and Housing Policies (Dipartimento Valorizzazioni del Patrimonio e Politiche Abitative) with note prot. QC 17676 of 29 March 2022, through the acquisition of proposals for the purchase of property rights, to be assessed after the results of the first phase.


Plot Area: 8,370 sqm.

Site ownership: Roma Capitale

Deadline for Phase 2 submission (finalist teams): 29 March 2024, 12pm (local time Rome)
Viale Achille Vertunni, 15
Rome Italy