Marconi District: Public Spaces in Prati dei Papa

Rome, Italy

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Located on the edge of the historic city, the area is characterised by a high building and population density.

This area of the city lacks quality public spaces, despite being one of the gateways to the city's historic centre. To enhance its ‘gateway’  role, the area which needs to be enhanced by neighbourhood public spaces must be improved, in addition to sustainability and resilience measures to mitigate the impact of the changing socioeconomic and climatic conditions the city is experiencing. 

Several urban expansions, which were planned in the 1931 Master Plan, but began in the 1950s, have contributed to the layout of the area today.  It is characterised by a mesh of regular blocks that occupy the entire flat river bend extending south of the Trastevere station in the Municipality XI territory. The station borders the northern edge of the intervention area. The railway embankment, which delimits the alluvial plain at the foot of the Portuense hill to the west, defines the western boundary of the district. 

Approx. site area

The area of approximately 72 ha is characterised by a predominantly flat terrain that slopes down to the south to the bank of the Tiber River.

Key information

The area is densely populated, with 25,737 inhabitants/km2. There is a high elderly population and the number of foreigners has grown in the last 10 years in line with the municipal figures (11.6%).

Priority areas & main expectations:

The project must aim to restore relations between the area and the local community. This can be achieved by reviving the central importance of public spaces (focusing first on the existing services and squares) by reorganising the road network and the concentration of cars, to create environmental islands, and soft connection networks, which will enhance historical-environmental, resources, permeability and soil forestation.

The evaluation of projects is currently underway, with results to be announced in September 2024.

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Rome Italy