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The Bovisasca site is located in Zone 9 within the Municipality of Milan. The Bovisa FNM station, a railway junction between the centre of Milan and the north of the metropolitan area is a few minutes walk away.

Nota fase 2: Considerate le numerose richieste pervenute all’Amministrazione scrivente da parte dei Team partecipanti alla fase 2 di Reinventing Cities di organizzare un incontro di Q&A (ideato quale “FAQ” rafforzata in forma orale) per formulare domande sulle modalità di presentazione dei relativi progetti per i siti oggetto di bando, la medesima Amministrazione accoglie tale richiesta e allo scopo organizzerà un incontro collettivo avente le seguenti caratteristiche: 

  • Tale incontro collettivo sarà aperto ai soli Team partecipanti alla Fase 2 di Reinventing e sarà direttamente con il RUP della procedura, Arch. Franco Zinna, più altri suoi collaboratori dotati di competenze tecniche adeguate allo scopo, che non fanno in alcun modo parte della Commissione giudicatrice. 

  • Tale incontro avverrà in un’unica data comunicata a tutti i Team coinvolti, i quali potranno partecipare attraverso i loro rappresentanti/delegati e l’incontro si svolgerà sulla piattaforma Teams.

  • Tale incontro sarà registrato e pubblicato sulle Data Room di C40 per ogni sito. Pertanto, previamente, dovrà essere sottoscritto dai Team partecipanti interessati all’incontro un modulo di consenso informato Privacy. 

  • L’Amministrazione si riserva, comunque, attraverso il RUP ed i suoi collaboratori, di dare risposte immediate laddove possibile (domande e risposte che verranno anch’esse pubblicate nelle Data Room), mentre, alle domande che richiedono valutazioni approfondite, verrà data risposta in seguito attraverso le FAQ scritte, le quali saranno pubblicate nelle Data Room presenti sul sito di C40 di ogni sito. 

  • All’esito dell’incontro verrà, altresì, redatto un verbale che sarà anch’esso pubblicato nelle Data Room di C40 per ogni sito. 

A tal fine, l’appuntamento via Teams è fissato nella giornata del 26/4/2023 dalle ore 14:00 sino indicativamente alle ore 17:00 (prevedendo un tempo di 15 minuti circa a Team).

The reference context is characterised by areas of environmental regeneration, where regeneration of buildings and open spaces, as well as urban forestation are planned, aimed at improving the environmental conditions of production sites and creating ecological connections.The interchange hub and surrounding areas of the station are part of the MoLeCoLa regeneration project, the winner of the second Reinventing Cities competition, which anticipates the construction of public areas closely linked to transportation infrastructure, capable of connecting areas of the city that are currently separated by tracks. The project includes the extension of the tram 2 route beyond the railway tracks, in accordance with the provisions of the PGT. The redevelopment of the Bovisa-Goccia-Villapizzone area, west of the station. The latter represents one of the most important urban transformations underway in the Milanese territory: new functions for public services and private functions of strategic interest are planned, as well as the expansion of the university campus and new research institutes, the consolidation of existing green areas and new connections with Villapizzone and the F. Verga park. In the vicinity of the Bovisasca site there are also cultural facilities as well as the new offices for Milan City Council.

The project's goal is to transform the area through the inclusion of public services such as Social Housing Quotas, green areas, and citizen services, activating the ground floor levels of new buildings and stimulating a social and functional mix, and proposing collective engines of greener and more sustainable living, in line with PGT's strategies for responding to the growing demand for housing by experimenting with new social housing models.

Expected Land Use
The growth of the area is expected to be linked to the transformation of the adjacent plot affected by the MoLeCoLa project. ERS units at affordable prices with additional features such as green areas and associated services that promote social inclusion and a more sustainable lifestyle. The use of offsite technologies will also be credited.

Type of property transfer intended
Surface rights with an indication of a minimum price set by the property. Depending on the proposal, it will be possible to transfer further building rights, owned by the Municipality of Milan, in accordance with the procedures set out in the PGT.


Plot Area: The site has a surface area of approximately 1,800 square metres, spread over a regular rectangular area, which is only partially built upon.

Site Ownership:
Municipality of Milan.

Deadline for the submission of Phase 2 (finalist teams): 30 November 2023, 2pm (local time Milan)

Via Bovisasca 23,
Milan Italy