Winning project: URBAN BATTERY
Environmental expert(s): GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL ESPAÑA
URBAN BATTERY is designed to become a productive economic, social and environmental engine.
The economic engine reindustrializes the site by relocating a 4.0 factory, creating over 100 qualified green jobs. The factory will develop cutting-edge technologies in manufacturing biodegradable zinc-air batteries to assist in overcoming future urban challenges related to electric mobility, technology and intelligent devices.
The social engine includes a socially co-managed large photovoltaic plant. The innovation laboratory, the BatteryLab fosters R&D around the production, storage and use of clean energies.
The environmental engine is destined to fertilize soils through progressive rehabilitation programs based on regenerative agriculture concepts. The production of high-quality compost from local organic waste collections is realized in the on-site Compostlab.
Urban Battery will be a project of global significance demonstrating innovation through a large urban prototype laboratory favouring processes of environmental, social and economic self-organization.
• Urban Battery is a pioneering project aiming for carbon neutrality through on-site energy production and storage solutions.
• The key element of this project is to build a 4.0 battery plant, disconnected from the grid by developing a combination of battery storage and solar energy production.
• This approach is consistent with an ambitious objective to reduce energy demand by 50% compared to a Business-As-Usual situation. This will enable the project to gain in self-sufficiency.
• Urban Battery has an ambitious water management plan: reduce non-potable water demand by 50%, reuse 80% of grey water and reduce the demand for sanitary appliances by 20%.
This unbuilt plot of approximately 3 ha is located on the southeast edge of the City, with a strong expectation of the City to develop a new economic and innovative center. It has good accessibility through the Modal Metro / Rail Interchange of Vicálvaro. It is directly next to a new park and to the new innovative incubator “Factoría Industrial Vicálvaro”, and nearby a zone planned to host the future urban growth.
Located in the Vicálvaro district in south-east Madrid, the scope of the tender covers a municipal plot with an area of 28,493 m2, next to the railway. It enjoys a high quality environmental setting. It is part of a large area of economic activity that has been listed as an “area of opportunity” in the Strategic Plan for the Urban Regeneration of Madrid, with the aim of contributing to the productive regeneration of Vicálvaro district.
The area is easily accessible via the Metro interchange / Vicálvaro railway. It is located between a residential area and an economic activity hub with a good urbanization but where there are many vacant plots. It is a place with opportunities for future urban growth, with new residential neighbourhoods planned in the surrounding area.
The proposed area has strong potential for the development of economic activities that will provide a transition between the housing and the industrial estate and support infrastructure of the adjacent Valderribas neighbourhood.
The goal is to introduce new economic activities that will have a positive impact on the remaining area, by developing a place that attracts innovative and competitive companies, in order to achieve a distinctive mark from other areas of economic activity in the region.
The intention is to improve the currently unconsolidated urban integration of the economic area with the residential neighbourhoods and green space surrounding the plot, and to address the pedestrian and cycle access with an intended new footbridge over the railway track.
The City expects proposal that will stimulate the ecosystem of emerging companies, such as Factoría Industrial Vicálvaro located on the neighbouring plot, and other proposals that may support the current economic dynamics.
Environmental expert(s): GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL ESPAÑA
URBAN BATTERY is designed to become a productive economic, social and environmental engine.
The economic engine reindustrializes the site by relocating a 4.0 factory, creating over 100 qualified green jobs. The factory will develop cutting-edge technologies in manufacturing biodegradable zinc-air batteries to assist in overcoming future urban challenges related to electric mobility, technology and intelligent devices.
The social engine includes a socially co-managed large photovoltaic plant. The innovation laboratory, the BatteryLab fosters R&D around the production, storage and use of clean energies.
The environmental engine is destined to fertilize soils through progressive rehabilitation programs based on regenerative agriculture concepts. The production of high-quality compost from local organic waste collections is realized in the on-site Compostlab.
Urban Battery will be a project of global significance demonstrating innovation through a large urban prototype laboratory favouring processes of environmental, social and economic self-organization.
Key Components & Solutions
• Urban Battery is a pioneering project aiming for carbon neutrality through on-site energy production and storage solutions.
• The key element of this project is to build a 4.0 battery plant, disconnected from the grid by developing a combination of battery storage and solar energy production.
• This approach is consistent with an ambitious objective to reduce energy demand by 50% compared to a Business-As-Usual situation. This will enable the project to gain in self-sufficiency.
• Urban Battery has an ambitious water management plan: reduce non-potable water demand by 50%, reuse 80% of grey water and reduce the demand for sanitary appliances by 20%.
Presentation of the site
This unbuilt plot of approximately 3 ha is located on the southeast edge of the City, with a strong expectation of the City to develop a new economic and innovative center. It has good accessibility through the Modal Metro / Rail Interchange of Vicálvaro. It is directly next to a new park and to the new innovative incubator “Factoría Industrial Vicálvaro”, and nearby a zone planned to host the future urban growth.
Located in the Vicálvaro district in south-east Madrid, the scope of the tender covers a municipal plot with an area of 28,493 m2, next to the railway. It enjoys a high quality environmental setting. It is part of a large area of economic activity that has been listed as an “area of opportunity” in the Strategic Plan for the Urban Regeneration of Madrid, with the aim of contributing to the productive regeneration of Vicálvaro district.
The area is easily accessible via the Metro interchange / Vicálvaro railway. It is located between a residential area and an economic activity hub with a good urbanization but where there are many vacant plots. It is a place with opportunities for future urban growth, with new residential neighbourhoods planned in the surrounding area.
The proposed area has strong potential for the development of economic activities that will provide a transition between the housing and the industrial estate and support infrastructure of the adjacent Valderribas neighbourhood.
The goal is to introduce new economic activities that will have a positive impact on the remaining area, by developing a place that attracts innovative and competitive companies, in order to achieve a distinctive mark from other areas of economic activity in the region.
The intention is to improve the currently unconsolidated urban integration of the economic area with the residential neighbourhoods and green space surrounding the plot, and to address the pedestrian and cycle access with an intended new footbridge over the railway track.
The City expects proposal that will stimulate the ecosystem of emerging companies, such as Factoría Industrial Vicálvaro located on the neighbouring plot, and other proposals that may support the current economic dynamics.
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Expected program
Introduction of new diversified and competitive economic activities.
In addition, the City will consider positively all proposals that will include solutions to foster the transition between the residential area on the other side of the railway and the industrial estate, and proposals to enhance the pedestrian and cycle access, with the possibility of a new footbridge where there is currently an “iron bridge”.
Integration with the municipal green space surrounding the plot.
Ayuntamiento de Madrid (Madrid City Council)
Plot area
The municipal plot has a total area of 43,493 m2; the area object of the tender is 28,493 m2 (plot A), the remaining area of 15,000 m2 is reserved for a secondary school (plot C).
Type of property transfer intended
Sale at price market by public tender or Concession with specific clause regarding public services.
Expected program
Introduction of new diversified and competitive economic activities.
In addition, the City will consider positively all proposals that will include solutions to foster the transition between the residential area on the other side of the railway and the industrial estate, and proposals to enhance the pedestrian and cycle access, with the possibility of a new footbridge where there is currently an “iron bridge”.
Integration with the municipal green space surrounding the plot.
Ayuntamiento de Madrid (Madrid City Council)
Plot area
The municipal plot has a total area of 43,493 m2; the area object of the tender is 28,493 m2 (plot A), the remaining area of 15,000 m2 is reserved for a secondary school (plot C).
Type of property transfer intended
Sale at price market by public tender or Concession with specific clause regarding public services.