How would you design a comprehensive water management system that focuses on reducing water demand and promotes sustainable ways of using it?
Cities are where climate change impacts on water systems are most strongly felt, and interconnected water issues lead to cascading and long-term impacts on communities. Rapid urbanisation and climate change impacts have intensified the strain on water service infrastructure. Failure to address these challenges and create effective water management will have consequences now for communities and future generations.

What will you create for your city neighbourhood?
A city-centered approach to urban water security is needed to unpack the city-scale complexities and resilience measures that are often overlooked and unaddressed at a national level. In Buenos Aires schools, students have presented their ideas to diversify water sources, increase water reuse, and restore urban water bodies."These experiences foster our students awareness about sustainable water and how we can create different ideas to sustain water in Minecraft. It's helping them to show their creativity, their sense of achievement, how technology can help to improve the system - and to show within a great project how their ideas are shared to a community." Maricel Gimenez, Project Implementation, Ministry of Education, Buenos Aires
"We thought about the different ways of using water, whether to drink, to clean, or even to generate energy or prevent floods. We always tried to put ourselves in the context of Argentina, which sometimes floods, and we tried to adapt as best as possible to this situation as well as thinking about global issues." Team Los Lorax, Buenos Aires
"We put more green roofs on some buildings to take better advantage of the rain and so that everyone has water. The rain filters through the roofs with plants, grass and stones, and goes down through the pipes on the facades and reaches the reservoirs. Even the most distant buildings have water." Team Septimo, Buenos Aires
"We are thinking of creating an irrigation system in a building so that people can water their plants or urban vegetable gardens on balconies. We put some funnels to collect rainwater and distribute the water through the plant pots." Team Juego de Gemelas, Buenos Aires
"Using the real life examples of the water reservoir in Parque Sarmiento and the artificial lagoon in Villa Lugano, we designed these pools to contain rain water, and avoid flooding through absorption in green spaces which we also designed as a natural reserve and public recreation area." Team Los Guardianes del Agua, Buenos Aires

"Our ecological reserve teaches you to reuse rainwater for the orchards and greenhouses, take care of the lakes and animals, use bicycles to move around the city, and enjoy nature." Team Los Chicos y Chicas de la 6, Buenos Aires
"We included wetlands, which are unique and valuable ecosystems that offer numerous social and economic environmental benefits. They are also areas where water is the dominant feature. Wetlands regulate the water cycle and prevent flooding, produce natural filtration, and are a habitat for biodiversity - preventing landslides and erosion." Team Souri Ambiental, Buenos Aires
"Our idea is to take advantage of rainwater to use in the bathroom, for example, or to water the plants or clean." Team Hidro Legends, Buenos Aires
"The rain goes through a filter that makes the water clean. It goes to a drinking fountain so you can drink clean water easily." Team 6to Grado, Buenos Aires
"This is one of the three worlds [we created for] water management and sanitation in the Matanza-Riachuelo Basin. We chose to present a utopian world in a sustainable way." Team Por Un Mundo Mas Sustenable, Buenos Aires
"The group explored environmental resources to achieve the best use of fresh water and storage and desalination of salt water. We built storage devices by designing and constructing environmentally sustainable solutions." Team Los Guardianes del Agua, Buenos Aires